"Fitness gives us a way to escape from the pressure and stress of living the city life. I strive to bring together a positive, upbeat and driven group of people. We journey to find ourselves by pushing our physical limits. My training relates to the theory found in the yoga principle of "the edge". Along the path of finding ourselves, exploring our limits and testing our abilities, we find moments when we are able to surpass our own limitations and find our personal "edge". By discovering our boundaries, we learn to discover ourselves."

27 November 2012

Balance with floor touch

I like to convert my favorite movements into exercises, so I decided to post one of them for everyone to recreate. The best way to learn is to hear verbal instruction and work through the expected movement with your mind. However, most of modern training is based off of the strategy of monkey see- monkey do. That means you see someone perform the motion and you try to mirror the movement. I realize most of my followers on the blog simply never have the time to meet with me in person so that I can administer their workouts. That having been said, here is a great exercise I call Balance with Floor Touch.

Start by finding your balance on one leg:

Finding your balance can't be rushed, and might take a moment to establish. Once you have that balance locked in, start to pivot upon that balancing leg and rotate your body down towards the floor while keeping a straight back. Touch the floor without relieving your bodyweight and pivot back to a standing position.

Let's briefly touch on the muscles of focus during the movement. Sometimes it helps to create a better movement when you know what muscles are supposed to be used. On the way down you should feel like you're stretching your hamstrings as you bend into the exercise. Your hammies are one of the largest groups of muscles in the body:

You may wonder, "why would I bother doing an exercise for my hamstrings when I really just want to tone down my arms and abs?" - Let me restate one of my strongest points as a trainer. You burn calories with the biggest muscles, and the big guys are in your legs. If you want to get rid of fat, burn the big burners. Period. If there isn't much jiggle in your legs, when they run out of fire, they'll find the fuel from the "jiggle" areas in your arms or belly.