I admit, before today, the only event I sat down to watch from our Olympic Games this year is curling. I was actually walking by the TV, and stopped to watch out of confusion. Curling is a very different kind of "sport". My roommate was watching downhill skiing as I again passed by today, so again I sat to watch, this time out of awe. I just makes me wonder the daily physical and mental strength it takes to train your body to be so specifically skilled and strong. What mantra they repeat, what goal they picture in their mind, what they say to themselves when the alarm buzzes before sunrise to get up and train, what they say to their friends when they can't go out, or how they can convince themselves that they are good enough!! Not even good enough, AMAZING enough to rank among the best in the planet?! Sure, when they're interviewed, huffing and puffing, high on adrenaline, they preach determination, drive, and not to forget HARD ASS WORK!!! But, what separates these people from every average person who watches them on TV? Better genes? Stronger mental drive? Family or class? How do they excel so exceptionally? Not a question I would jump to answer, but if I had to I would say that it comes from wherever your heart is. Not so much the big red muscle in your chest that circulates blood, but that inner strength we have that comes from somewhere deeper inside....
Side note, at least we live in the right country! So far the highest number of metals. And when I find a way to make this Olympic winning strength, and sell it in a bottle..... I'M GONNA BE RICH!!
Here's a link to the Vancouver 2010 website with a video about curling:
Curling Video
It is amazing to read your blog about yoga. I think back to when you were a teen and you and I were trying to have a mother/daughter special activity and we chose yoga. Though you are way beyond that now it was inner strength we both needed. You have moved up the ladder and I am proud of you. Moma