The beginning of this tangent was a few weeks ago. A great client and friend of mine asked me to do an interview for her fitness blog (check out her site: Gympressions). One of the questions she asked me, really got me to thinking. She asked what was the one thing I wish I could get through to my clients. This was the only question that truly gave me pause, and I have been rethinking it ever since. My response is still forming, but the bottom line remains the same. I never want anyone to lose sight of the bigger picture, what's really important. In the end, nothing matter more than health and even more: HAPPINESS.
Now more questions form. What is happiness? When do I know I've reached it? What am I doing for my body and my mind everyday that will increase my happiness? So while I ponder these philosophical questions, in the meantime, some helpful hints I have tried and tested!
1. Set goals. There is something tremendously satisfying about setting a goal, and then being able to check it off your list of things to accomplish. I get a deep personal satisfaction out of keeping a list, some goals are simple as cleaning the bathroom, and some will take longer to check off such as trying every free yoga class in NY.
2. 5 HTP A great friend of mine (shout out to Kelso) recommended taking 5HTP years ago to help me control my mood. The supplement itself is natural, it comes from the griffonia bean. In your body, 5HTP acts as a precursor to serotonin. We all are familiar with serotonin for its ability to raise and lower mood. 5HTP helps to keep those serotonin levels stable, as well as control appetite and help sleep.
3. Raise your heart rate. My day doesn't feel complete unless I've done some sort of activity to get my heart pumping. Here's a list of some of the benefits of cardiovascular exercise. You tell me if these won't make you smile:

* Weight loss
* Stronger heart and lungs
* Increased bone density
* Reduced stress
* Reduced risk of heart disease and some types of cancer
* Temporary relief from depression and anxiety
* More confidence about how you feel and how you look
* Better sleep
* More energy
* Setting a good example for your kids to stay active as they get older
Link to a Hindu list of the Ten Steps to Happiness!!