Just to be really dark for a minute. Obesity is an epidemic in this country. Epidemic= disease. We are going to be wearing t shirts and bracelets one day supporting the "fight against obesity" just as we do for other diseases that come to the point of an epidemic.

We have an awareness of the problem in schools, which is why what Jaime is doing is awesome. Children are the next generation of adults, and we give our future a better chance by teaching them young. I'll get off my soap box, but not before I say one thing. A lot of us are adults, which means we've been hearing this for a while, and we DO know better, so what's our excuse?

So lets all go back to elementary school and have a refresher. Here is a link to the Food Guide Pyramid provided by the federal government, easily accessible now online. All of our country should be aware of these guidelines, to help us make better choices about what we put in our body.
Disclaimer (In super small print):
The food guide pyramid itself is not perfect, just a very ROUGH guideline. Contact me if you would like my suggestions for how to eat even better!!!
Another figure, possibly bigger than Jaime (haha), who has been fighting this battle longer, is our own first lady Michelle Obama. She doesn't have the dramatic TV show to generate as much hype, but her "Let's Move" initiative is making a lot of progress with kids. Check out her website, there's a link to how you can help!!
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