"Fitness gives us a way to escape from the pressure and stress of living the city life. I strive to bring together a positive, upbeat and driven group of people. We journey to find ourselves by pushing our physical limits. My training relates to the theory found in the yoga principle of "the edge". Along the path of finding ourselves, exploring our limits and testing our abilities, we find moments when we are able to surpass our own limitations and find our personal "edge". By discovering our boundaries, we learn to discover ourselves."

09 March 2010

As the weather warms, our winter hibernation begins to end and the bones start to thaw. Today I found myself making any excuse I could to keep the workout outside. What better outside workout than a run? I am always inpressed w how many people you see in the city running outside. Understandably bc running is efficient, you get a good workout quickly, its free and you can do it anywhere. My only worry is that we run outside the right way. Concrete is an unforgiving surface, of course I would always encourage run on a track when possible. I stared at a lot of feet today, always the observer. In my mind, shoes go without saying, but I'll say it anyway. The shoe that you wear can make or break the run. If you have never been to a specialty running store and been forced to run (VERY briefly) barefoot on the treadmill, you're running in the dark. Here in the city we have Jack Rabbit and the Running Company that are both great at analyzing a gait and recommending shoes.

The Running Company

I speak from experience, I did a lot of running in crappy Nikes that I got bc they looked cute. I ended the summer w a broken foot. Stress fracture from beating up my feet!!! Some people are ok w them, but I would say in general run in anything but Nikes. Aasics and Mizunos rock from personal experience.

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